Customer Relationship Management
Smart Solution That Leverages Our Hands-On Experience and Gives Unmatched Value to Your Business.

Why Vertics CRM

100% Improvement

in lead conversion rates

Revenue increase

per sales person.

Improvement in

customer retention

See all customer

interactions and transactions

Manage upsell,

cross sell, and renewals of existing customers

Know what

customers bought and what they want

View service issues,

pending orders, overdue invoices

Why Vertics CRM

  • Leads Management
  • Customers
  • Sales Expenses
  • Contracts
  • Projects
  • Tasks
  • To do Lists
  • Support
  • Knowledge Base
  • Utilities
  • Customer Surveys
  • Custom Emails & SMS
  • Reports
  • And More...

Reports and Sales Funnels

A quick look at the sales funnel gives an immediate account of transactions in progress and their respective stages.

Stages can be added easily and each one appears in a separate line and different color. The length of the line corresponds to the total sum of the deals at that stage, and a table with the numeric values is displayed below the funnel.

Importantly, Vertics CRM lets you have unlimited sales pipelines and build multiple sales funnels if you have several product lines or profit canters.

Custom Dashboards

Dashboards in CRM are instant snapshots of the most important sales activities.

Each agent can see how many deals they’ve won, how many clients haven’t been invoiced yet and so on.

Dashboards are currently available for deals, leads & invoices, to do list, project updates etc. You can customize your CRM interface to meet the specific requirements of your organization.

Customer Portal

You can invite your customers inside your CRM and create a separate workgroup or a project for each client. Each project comes with its own workspace, document storage (great for contract or invoices), calendars and other goodies.

In the CRM client portal, the customers can see the quotations, proposals, invoices, contracts, projects, tasks, status of projects etc...The customer portal is also comes with powerful customer support features,like knowledge base, chat and support ticket option. This means that you can provide outstanding customer support for each client right from inside your CRM.

Flexible Deployment Options, On-Premise or in the Cloud

You have the freedom to choose a solution that best fits your unique business requirements. You can choose from flexible deployment methods on-premise, or in the cloud.

Our cloud-based solution provides business with immediate access to a powerful CRM solution at a low monthly cost or onetime cost (cloud hosting charges will be billed annually). The web-based Sage CRM infrastructure and intuitive browser interface ensure you’ll be up and running – and productive – quickly, without burdening your IT staff.