Alliances & Partnerships

The Software Partner Program is for agencies and service providers looking to expand their offerings and build expertise in Software Market.
Whether your expertise is marketing, sales, customer service, Software or IT services—if you want to accelerate your growth, we want to help. We always keep our eyes open for opportunities to create mutually beneficial partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations in the same and complementary markets.

The Program for Regional Representatives

Many business professionals & companies are interested in leaping into the offshore outsourcing market, but don’t have the specialized knowledge or time to actually produce the services. But if you have strong marketing skills, there’s no reason that you can’t make your outsourcing dreams become a reality.
By becoming a regional representative or franchisee, you can use the Vertics Software infrastructure and brand to introduce our company and its services to a new region, industry, or both. If you’re interested in a partnership, but aren’t sure how to start, please contact us, our expert consultants will guide you.